Saturday, January 5, 2013

Biological WARFARE.

Quick because a sleep deprived me can not properly tie her cape tomorrow. 70% of today was filled with doctor time. My children are both sick, my husband is also sick, hell even the dog is under the weather. I am overdosing on vitamin c to stay healthy to overcome this viral attack on my family. Disinfectant as well as patience are my weapons. Patience is almost out of ammo, antibiotics, fever reducers, cough suppressants nebulizers are all in my arsenal.

My daughter just woke up. She is scared her cough hurts her. I will defeat you evil bug.

Then I will begin my revamp of my life.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Begin at the BEGINNING...

Begin at the beginning you can't start at the end, that would be cheating. I have started and unsuccessfully maintained blogs in the past but in reality none of them had a purpose like this one does to me.

I have a complicated simple life, truly blessed with two healthy children of my own and an intelligent beautiful step daughter. The position of stay at home mother/wife is most definitely the most challenging job I have ever held. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ON CALL, non-stop SUPER rewarding.  The hugs, pictures, memories I get from having this chance are completely irreplaceable. I can't continue to describe how lucky I am because you would stop reading.

This year is a year full of opportunity... opportunities for redemption.

I am going to be blogging as frequently as possible to track and review my success and my failure as a mom, friend, and all around person this year on my journey of self affirmation. I am trying to regain my assertiveness I had once and feel like a person of worth not a person that feels worthless.

Most families now a days are in the red with stress accumulating and people worrying about bills and balances. I am going to be arranging a budget for my family and will update you on the program and success of it. I am also implementing a money saving initiative for my children based on things I have read online. I think it is important to begin teaching my children the importance of money and proper savings techniques.

I am also trying to make some more time for me (all of you who just guffawed this statement don't read on) I NEED me time, I can't watch children shows and clean all day everyday and still feel human. I am spending time making sure I am happy and sane because how else can I be a good mother and wife ?

Hoping for positive feedback but accepting the criticisms.

Until next time.
Mama T